
The World Left Hopelessly Hardened

Volume 4 | Issue 12
Karissa Crich
And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God,
which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
—Revelation 16:9

We read in the text: “And they repented not.” We might think that such severe judgments would break the hearts of these idolaters and murderers and thieves. One-third of men are killed; and no doubt also the rest of men are touched and hurt by the famine and especially by the pestilence. Think of the desolation and the woe and the sorrow and the grief and the suffering this sixth trumpet will cause for the remaining two-thirds that are still alive! All the more we would think that they should repent because it has been so plainly foretold in Scripture that these things come, and come as a revenge of the blood of Christ which is trampled under foot and a judgment upon the iniquity of the world. But no, they repented not. They are hardened. Even as Pharaoh repented not when plague after plague so plainly came from the hand of Jehovah, but continued till his judgment was complete, so also the wicked world at the end of time will not repent until their destruction is finished. We must expect also this feature. You must expect disappointment if you imagine that judgment will do what the gospel could not accomplish. In the midst of judgment the hearts will become more hardened and embittered, and people will continue in their sins. Their end will be in the pool that burneth with fire and brimstone.

Hence, the great lesson for the people of God contained in this particular passage is this: turn away from such! Have nothing to do with the world that tramples under foot the blood of Christ, except in as far as you are called to be the light of the world and to spread the testimony of the gospel. Have no communion with their idolatry and murders and thefts and fornication. Then it may be that the bitterness of the world will seek revenge upon you for a time. It may be that you will have to bear their contempt, their hatred, and their persecution. Nevertheless, there is no danger whatsoever. The people of God are sealed. And therefore you should not fear those that can kill the body and cannot touch the soul. But much rather fear Him who ruleth over all and who can condemn both soul and body in hell.

Be not afraid! In the world ye shall have tribulation, saith the Lord; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. In the darkest night the eternal morning of glory shall surely dawn, and the faithful shall receive the crown of glory.1

—Karissa Crich

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1 Herman Hoeksema, Behold, He Cometh! An Exposition of the Book of Revelation, ed. Homer C. Hoeksema, 2nd ed., (Grandville, MI:
Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2000), 332–33.

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by Rev. Nathan J. Langerak
Volume 4 | Issue 12