Reformed Believers Publishing organized for the express purpose  of publishing and distributing a Reformed magazine and other Reformed material to give a clear witness to the Reformed faith to the glory of God.

Reformed Believers Publishing Board Members

About Us

Founded in 2020 by a group of Reformed believers and rooted in the office of all believer, Reformed Believers Publishing operates as a self-governing, non-ecclesiastical, free and independent entity. It is not the possession of, or governed by any church institute.


An invitation is extended to all Reformed believers who desire to share in this opportunity to sound forth a distinctive Reformed testimony in the discharge of the office of all believer to join us in this glorious endeavor.


The purpose of Reformed Believers Publishing is to promote, defend, and develop the Reformed faith,

which is the truth revealed in the Word of God and expressed in the Three Forms of Unity, with special emphasis on the truths of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation, particular grace, and the unconditional covenant.

And:  To expose and condemn all lies repugnant to this truth.

And: To give a theological and antithetical witness to the Reformed church world and beyond by broadcasting this distinctive Reformed truth to the people of God wherever they are found.

And: To publish and distribute a magazine in hard copy and digital format a minimum of twelve times per year. The magazine shall be known as Sword and Shield.

And: To publish other Reformed material.