The board of Reformed Believers Publishing (RBP) is pleased to notify our readers that arrangements have been made for binding volume two of Sword and Shield. We received very positive responses to the first round of bound volumes, so we are happy now to offer bound volumes of volume two.
Just as they did with volume one, readers have two options for obtaining volume two. First, you may drop off your own copies of Sword and Shield at the office of Reformed Believers Publishing (address on the masthead). The cost for supplying your own copies to be bound is $35 (USD). Second, if you prefer not to supply your own copies but to use RBP’s copies, you may purchase the bound volume two for $45 (USD). Either way, for less than a tank of gas, you can have Sword and Shield in book format, which can be passed down for years to come.
For those who would like to supply their own copies but who can’t find that last issue or two or three under the couch, RBP can usually help fill in a few missing issues at no charge. Just be sure to note on your stack of magazines which issues you are missing. This applies to those who have burned an issue or two as well. It does not matter to us whether you wore out an issue with repeated reading or set it afire in a fit of pique; we’ll help you to complete your set.
For those who may not be familiar with how the bound volumes look, we include a couple of photos for your reference and to promote anticipation of having volume two to stand alongside volume one.