Letter From The Board Of Reformed Believers Publishing

Volume 3 | Issue 14

The board informs the readership of Sword and Shield that Rev. Andy Lanning has resigned as editor in chief of the magazine. His decision was entirely his own initiative, and there was no pressure on him from the board to resign.

The board of Reformed Believers Publishing (RBP) has accepted his resignation, effective March 27, 2023. We regret the disastrous ecclesiastical circumstances surrounding Reverend Lanning that compelled him to resign the God-given, grand, and glorious privilege that was his as editor in chief of Sword and Shield. We judge his resignation to be the result of his ecclesiastical entanglement in foolish quarrels and controversies about the law, which are unprofitable and useless and which the apostle in Titus 3:9 warned us to avoid. We are thankful that these ecclesiastical matters and troubles involving Reverend Lanning did not have anything to do with the RBP board or its association.

We sincerely thank Reverend Lanning for his labors as editor in chief on behalf of Sword and Shield and for his faithful, antithetical witness to the distinctive Reformed faith for the past three years.

The board is very glad to announce Rev. Nathan Langerak’s acceptance of the board’s appointment of him as the new editor in chief of Sword and Shield. We thank him for his willingness to serve in this capacity and are confident of his capable leadership of the magazine.

God has been very gracious to Reformed Believers Publishing to give us three years of publishing a distinctive and an antithetical Reformed witness. We confess that this is of God’s grace and that we are entirely dependent upon him to continue this witness.

We remind ourselves and the magazine’s readership of the purpose of Reformed Believers Publishing as stated in article 2 of the constitution:

The purpose of Reformed Believers Publishing shall be:

A. To promote, defend, and develop the Reformed faith, which is the truth revealed in the Word of God and expressed in the Three Forms of Unity, with special emphasis on the truths of the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation, particular grace, and the unconditional covenant.

B. To expose and condemn all lies repugnant to this truth.

C. To give a theological and antithetical witness to the Reformed church world and beyond by broadcasting this distinctive Reformed truth to the people of God wherever they are found.

On behalf of the board of Reformed Believers Publishing,

—Henry Kamps, president

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by Rev. Nathan J. Langerak
Volume 3 | Issue 14