Thank you, Reverend Ophoff, for that stirring, instructive, and penetrating speech tonight.
Let us continue with the program by singing all the stanzas of 271—Godly Resolves—a fitting psalter number for the occasion and the speech.
- Of mercy and of justice
My thankful song shall be;
O Lord, in joyful praises
My song shall rise to Thee.
Within my house I purpose
To walk in wisdom’s way;
O Lord, I need Thy presence;
How long wilt Thou delay? - On what is base and evil
I will not set my heart;
Transgressors’ ways abhorring,
With them I take no part.
No froward man or evil
Shall my companion be;
I will not suffer slander
Or pride or treachery. - The faithful and the upright
Shall minister to me;
The lying and deceitful
My favor shall not see.
I will in daily judgment
All wickedness reward,
And cleanse from evildoers
The city of the Lord.1