From the Editor

From the Editor — September 2020

Volume 1 | Issue 4
Rev. Andrew W. Lanning

Previously in this space, I reported that the initial response to Sword and Shield had been overwhelmingly positive. There continues to be much positive response to the magazine, but since that report, a tide of negative response has also rolled in. Much of that negative response has been respectful and became the occasion, if not for agreement, then at least for brotherly dialogue. A few of the responses have been venomous, revealing that the serpent himself is also reading Sword and Shield and is vexed by it.

Regarding these negative responses, the editors and board can say with joy what the spiritual forebears of the Protestant Reformed Churches once said about their writings. We are pleased even with the negative reception of our writings, because, as our fathers said, 

Under God’s blessing we were privileged to concentrate the attention of many [on errors in our midst]. This is of great value in itself. Nothing is as discouraging for a preacher as a sleepy audience; nothing so disheartening as the failure of an instructor to gain and to keep the attention of his students; and surely there is nothing so deflating for a writer as his writings lying unread in the bookstore. This was not the case for us. People have given much attention, from whatever perspective, to what we wrote. Even though many did not immediately agree with us, we were very encouraged to draw the attention of almost the entire church on one point of her doctrine. (The Rock Whence We Are Hewn, 162)

It remains to be seen whether we will also be able to say with our spiritual forebears, 

We are thankful that many of our people not only understood the central issues that must serve as the guiding principles for the development of this part of our Reformed truth, but also were convicted of the truth of them as we presented it. (The Rock Whence We Are Hewn, 162–3).

In other news regarding the magazine, the letters for publication continue to pour in. There are so many, in fact, that the board approved a special “Letters Edition” of Sword and Shield to be published September 15. The normal editions of Sword and Shield will continue to be published on the first of each month, with the “Letters Edition” being a bonus issue for all our readers that will consist entirely of letters and replies. Those who were expecting to see their letters published in this September 1 issue of Sword and Shield, keep an eye on your mailboxes on or around September 15. And keep the letters coming! Both for and against! As editors, we find that this adds to the interest of the magazine, not to mention that it gives us an opportunity to develop these important doctrines further.

We are also thankful to report that the financial support for the magazine has been very generous—so generous that the board approved three more issues of Sword and Shield to be sent free of charge to our readers. Plan on receiving this issue (September 1), the “Letters Edition” (September 15), and the next regular issue (October) at no charge. Thank you for your generous gifts.

This doesn’t mean that one has to wait until the freebies run out in order to subscribe! Your subscription payment of $24 US or $36 international will be applied to a year’s subscription beginning with the November issue. Visit the Reformed Believers Publishing website at for subscription details.

Finally, plans are coming together for the first annual meeting of Reformed Believers Publishing. Here are some details to whet your appetite.

Date: October 15, 2020 (Thursday)

Speaker: Rev. Andy Lanning

Theme: “A Believer’s Paper: The Freedom of Sword and Shield

Although I’m sure no one could ever forget the first issue of Sword and Shield, here is a little refresher just in case. The editorial in that issue maintained that Sword and Shield has the right to comment on decisions of the PRC’s ecclesiastical assemblies. The editorial also maintained that Sword and Shield has the right to condemn false doctrines, attitudes, or practices within the PRC. Many inferred that the editorial was also maintaining the right to condemn decisions of the ecclesiastical assemblies. Those two claims, and especially that inference, created some stir among the readership. The annual meeting will be a good opportunity to explain these claims—and that inference—and to insist on them. Make sure to mark October 15 on your calendar.

Enjoy this issue of Sword and Shield. May God speed the truths written herein to your hearts, and the next issue into your hands.


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by Rev. Nathan J. Langerak
Volume 1 | Issue 4