We have some exciting news to report. The annual association meeting of Reformed Believers Publishing will be held October 21, 2021, at the Wonderland Tire shop on 84th Street in Byron Center, Michigan. The keynote speaker for the evening will be Rev. Nathan Langerak, who will speak on the topic “Reformation, Not Schism.” Rev. Martin VanderWal will also be in attendance in person to speak on the topic “Reading for Discernment.” It is hard to believe that the last meeting was a year ago already. I don’t know whether that seems like so, so, so long ago or like it was yesterday. Whatever the case, God worked a tremendous reformation of his church since then, and this year’s annual meeting will be a fine occasion to commemorate it. A full-page announcement and agenda appear elsewhere in this issue.
In other news, you may notice that Sword and Shield has put on a little weight recently. The magazine is still lean and mean where it counts, that is, in its determination to engage in the theological issues of the day on behalf of the truth and against the lie, God helping us. But it has been a challenge to squeeze all of the articles into each issue lately. If it weren’t for our diligent copy editors and typesetter, the magazine would look a mess, and a word of thanks to them for the hours and hours that they put into each issue. This being a believer’s paper, we are determined to give God’s people space in the magazine. Therefore, the board has approved the addition of pages as needed for each issue. If you see a 28-page or a 32-page issue now and then instead of the usual 24 pages, you will know why.
In related news, the magazine continues to be run on a donation basis, and the donations have been generous. This has allowed us to send the magazine free of charge far and wide to many interested readers, both friend and foe alike. The magazine goes to many who otherwise would not be able to subscribe and to many who otherwise would not be willing to subscribe. The feedback indicates that there is still a wide readership for the magazine, even if the occasional household throws it on the kindling pile. A hearty thanks to all who have donated to the magazine and made its publication possible. Although the magazine is free of charge to the readers, it is not free of charge to publish. Therefore, with hat in hand, we ask that our readers consider making a donation to Reformed Believers Publishing through the website or at the address on the masthead. Please, and thank you.
We are thankful to God to be able to present to you the content of this issue. In commemoration of the great Reformation of October 31, 1517, Miss Evelyn Price has submitted a stirring poem about Martin Luther. We also have an article by Rev. Stuart Pastine, emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches. Rev. Pastine lives in Kansas City, Missouri, and has been an avid reader of Sword and Shield. His article in this issue is filled with exegetical insights that demonstrate that James did not contradict Paul on forensic justification by faith alone and that, therefore, Norman Shepherd is wrong in his theory of “working faith,” as promoted in his book The Way of Righteousness. The second part of Reverend Pastine’s article will appear in the November issue of Sword and Shield, the Lord willing. Finally, in addition to the regular rubrics, we have an article from Mr. Philip Rainey. The occasion for Mr. Rainey’s article and its history are explained in an introduction to the article by the board of Reformed Believers Publishing.
It is October, and reformation is in the air. The board’s letter, Mr. Rainey’s article, Rev. Pastine’s article, and the regular rubrics all “take a battle stance,” to lift a line from Miss Price’s poem. This is as it should be, as is also explained in the poem:
The doctrines that Luther taught in his way
Were attacked just as they are today.
With God’s strength alone, we can advance
And, as Martin Luther, take a battle stance.
Yes, for Sword and Shield and for the believer, a battle stance, indeed.
As part of that battle stance, the editors are planning a special October 15 issue of the magazine regarding Professor Engelsma’s latest email article, an edited version of which was published on the blog of the Reformed Free Publishing Association. Keep an eye on your mailboxes around the middle of this month.
As always, those who are referenced in the articles in this issue, whether Rev. Martyn McGeown or Prof. Ronald Cammenga or Prof. Norman Shepherd or anyone else, are invited to reply for publication in the magazine. We believe the doctrines involved are of utmost importance, and we will give you space in the paper regarding them.
May God speed the truths written herein to your heart and the next issue into your hands.