From the Editor

From The Editor — December 2022

Volume 3 | Issue 8
Rev. Andrew W. Lanning

In this issue of Sword and Shield, a snake gets stepped on, a school is defended against arson, the reward of grace is truly gracious, a project to redefine all Protestant Reformed doctrine is uncovered, and more. Plenty to keep one’s blood warm as one hunkers down amidst the snow.

Mr. Luke Bomers finishes his series on the reward of grace, completing the recovery of this doctrine for the Reformed faith. We also welcome a new author, Mr. Braylon Mingerink. Braylon is a high school student at Grace Reformed Protestant School and a confessing member of First Reformed Protestant Church. Braylon has closely followed the doctrinal issues in the reformation that resulted in the formation of the Reformed Protestant Churches, and he contributes a staunch defense of the truth.

With this issue we also welcome a new copyeditor to Sword and Shield. Mrs. Allyson Ophoff joins Mrs. Evelyn Langerak and Mrs. Stephanie Lanning in the behind-the-scenes labor of copyediting the articles for the magazine. Evelyn and Stephanie have spent countless hours combing through the articles submitted by the writers to correct everything from spelling to grammar to style to clarity and more. They also work with the typesetter, proofread the typeset magazine, and make sure everything is correct and fits in the given layout. Ally is a welcome addition to the copyediting team.

God has been good to our magazine in many ways. Not only does he give us much material to write about, but he also gives us those who are willing and able to put that material into a legible form for the benefit of the readers. He truly is the overflowing fountain of all good (Belgic Confession 1).

May God speed the truths written herein to your heart and the next issue into your hands.


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by Rev. Nathan J. Langerak
Volume 3 | Issue 8