You hold in your hands the last issue of the third volume of Sword and Shield. That God has given our magazine its place for three years is a testimony to his mercy and grace. There has been no strength in the editors, writers, readers, board, or association to establish or maintain Sword and Shield. The strength has been the Lord’s, and the honor belongs to him alone.
In this issue you will find a couple of evaluations of Professor Cammenga’s doctrine, one in the Understanding the Times rubric and one from Elder Aaron Lim of Berean Reformed Protestant Church in Singapore. These evaluations help establish the readers of Sword and Shield in the truth of God’s sovereign grace over against the Arminian lie that continues to sound out of the Protestant Reformed Churches.
Luke Bomers begins a series on the sacrifices of the Old Testament, which sacrifices teach the glorious work of Jesus Christ for our salvation.
The periodical Christian Renewal (CR) recently reported on the split between the Protestant Reformed Churches and the Reformed Protestant Churches. The CR article is reprinted in full in this issue. The undersigned submitted a letter to Christian Renewal in response to the report, which the editor of CR said he would run in an upcoming issue. The letter is printed in full in this issue of Sword and Shield as well.
My thanks to the readers for taking up and reading what we editors and writers have written for the past three years. I am thankful to God that he gave us this witness for these years.
I have written often in this space about opponents of the magazine who burn their copies of Sword and Shield. I recently heard from a recipient who said that he had not read a word of the magazine for three years but had burned every single issue. I was actually quite impressed with his dedication. It takes a pretty sustained commitment over a three-year span to burn every issue! I was hoping to hand-deliver this May issue to him so that I could witness the historic event of its burning with my own eyes and maybe photograph it. (Let the reader understand that I love Sword and Shield and that opposition to the magazine only fires my love for the magazine the more. Sword and Shield is not my cause in this world—the gospel of Jesus Christ is—but I have loved this magazine.) Imagine my disappointment, therefore, when the recipient admitted that he had not actually gotten around to burning every issue yet. Ah, well. More important is that there are readers who have read every issue for three years. Now that is some real dedication!
May God speed the truths written herein to your heart and the next issue into your hands.