Finally, Brethren, Farewell

Finally, Brethren, Farewell! – June 2021 Letters Edition

Volume 2 | Issue 2
Rev. Andrew W. Lanning
Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.—2 Timothy 4:14–15

Beware of Alexander the coppersmith. 

Alexander the coppersmith, resident of Ephesus, where the apostle Paul had labored for three years on his second missionary journey and where the young preacher Timothy was now laboring.

Alexander the coppersmith, who worked in copper and the indispensable bronze alloy of copper and tin.

Alexander the coppersmith, integral and valued member of Ephesian society. Bronze was used in everything from spears to spoons, breastplates to balances, vases to vessels, and all the mirrors, farm implements, and idols in between. The prosperous and teeming city of Ephesus gleamed with bronze, fashioned for her by Alexander the coppersmith.

Beware of Alexander the coppersmith.

For Alexander the coppersmith was an enemy of the gospel of Jesus Christ who greatly withstood Paul’s words. Paul’s words were the words of Jesus Christ, who had called Paul to be his apostle. During his three years in Ephesus, Paul spoke many words. Alexander the coppersmith greatly withstood Paul’s words.

When Paul testified repentance toward God, Alexander the coppersmith greatly withstood Paul’s words. The call to repentance was an outrageous personal affront to Alexander the coppersmith, as it always is to proud men who will not suffer the preacher’s word to rebuke their sins.

When Paul testified faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, Alexander the coppersmith greatly withstood Paul’s words. The preaching of the cross was foolishness to Alexander the coppersmith, as it always is to boasting men who find themselves sufficient unto their own salvation and enjoyment of salvation.

When Paul shunned not to declare unto the Ephesians all the counsel of God, Alexander the coppersmith greatly withstood Paul’s words. All the counsel of God was too heavenly and too spiritual for Alexander the coppersmith, as it always is to carnal men who savor not the things that be of God but those that be of men.

Alexander the coppersmith greatly withstood Paul’s words. And so, Timothy, beware of Alexander the coppersmith. And so, faithful preacher of the gospel, beware of Alexander the coppersmith. And so, seminary student, beware of Alexander the coppersmith. Every time you preach repentance toward God, you will find Alexander the coppersmiths who bristle at your rebukes and call you a Samaritan and a devil. Every time you preach faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, you will find Alexander the coppersmiths who demand that man and the works of man and the honor of man have their place alongside Christ. Beware of Alexander the coppersmith.

Alexander the coppersmith did Paul much evil. Paul does not elaborate what that evil was. He does not have to, for the faithful preacher and the faithful church know the marks that it is their privilege to bear from the hands and mouths of every Alexander the coppersmith. And Paul does not have to elaborate because the Lord knows what evil Alexander the coppersmith did, and even now the Lord rewards Alexander the coppersmith according to his works.

Beware of Alexander the coppersmith. But do not fear him. For the words that Alexander the coppersmith withstands are the everlasting words of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Alexander the coppersmith withers as grass and falls away as the flower of grass, but the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.


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by Rev. Andrew W. Lanning
Volume 2 | Issue 2