Earnestly contend for the faith because there are certain men crept in unawares! They were baptized into the fellowship of the church as infants, or they were converted later in life. They speak of God, Jesus Christ, and the Lord who bought them. They are able to write eloquently of the history of the church. On their lips are many spiritual things. Within them are manifested many powers and gifts. They entered seminary and were taught the truth. They were examined by classes and synods and declared eligible for calls. They preached in pulpits, sat in consistories and councils, were delegates to the assemblies, and were chosen to teach in the seminary. No one suspected them in the least.
And without fear, either of the judgment of God or men, they feed themselves in the church according to their own lusts; trees of withered fruit and of no fruit. What promise they showed is revealed to be only withered fruit of a dead tree and thus no fruit at all. Born dead, they appeared to be regenerated, but dead they are still. Trees twice dead! Plucked up by the roots, for Christ’s Father never planted them into his Son.
These men were ordained of old to this condemnation that they should oppose the faith, turn the grace of God into lasciviousness, go in the way of Cain, run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perish in the gainsaying of Core. The truth they do not know, and in those natural things that they do know, they corrupt themselves.
Contend earnestly for the faith, against them.
The world and carnal Christians will insist that such men do not exist, and in that they themselves will be swept away by the raging waves that are these evil men and their false doctrine.
For saying that they do exist and for contending against them, as did Enoch, you will also be hunted and relentlessly pursued.
Contend earnestly that such men do exist and have come against the truth and are an abiding enemy of the church in every age. As Cain was after Eden, as Core was in the desert, and as Balaam was on the plains of Moab, so do these men creep in unawares into the church, sown by the devil in his relentless war on the truth.
Contend against them for the faith once delivered to the saints. This is the faith delivered to the saints first for their salvation by separating them from this present evil world and separating them in Jesus Christ their only lord and savior. All saints in common are partakers of this great benefit. This is the faith, then, that is also delivered to the saints as a sacred trust to keep unspotted and undefiled until the day of the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Contend for the faith. Exert a tremendous effort for the faith against those men who are crept in unawares. War and fight for the faith. Make a distinction! Not all who are tricked by these men will go lost with them; have compassion for these, and with fear pull them as it were out of the fire that has been kindled already around these evil men. Let no earthly bonds and ties hinder you. Hate even the garment spotted by the flesh. By all means and at all times, contend earnestly for the faith.