Our Father in heaven, we give thanks unto thee for the night, a night in which we could rejoice in the freedom that we have in the truth. We were in bondage. And so terrible was the bondage, we hardly knew it until thou didst open our eyes and thou didst call us as Israel out of Egypt into a new promised land.
And we give thanks, Lord, for the material means thou dost give to us to support the truth. We give thanks for the organization and the magazine that is published by that organization, and we marvel at thy goodness. We marvel at thy ways. Thy ways, Lord, are not our ways. Thy ways are higher than our ways. And we see that by means of that magazine thou hast not left thyself without a witness. Lord, send forth that witness, that that witness may be heard and that that witness may drive the apostasy of the false church, and with that witness, thou, being gracious, may draw out of that burning and destruction thine own dear people. Give them ears to hear, Lord, and eyes to see and hearts to understand and heal them. Heal them from that misery and that hopelessness that we ourselves experienced under the miserable doctrine out of which thou hast drawn us. Give them with us the liberty that we have in the truth as it is in Christ Jesus.
We ask, Lord, that thou wilt bless our fellowship tonight. Wilt thou give us encouragement through this fellowship to be steadfast in our purpose. And, Lord, bless this righteous cause, not for our sakes but for Jesus’ sake, in whose name we conclude our prayer.