Our Father which art in heaven, thou hast caused us great astonishment. Thou hast given us terrible things to see in thy great judgment. We have seen hearts hardened, ears and eyes closed, minds cut off. We have seen the lie in such high places. Where there was esteem for the truth, honor for the truth, and love for the truth, the truth has been driven out and banished. It is indeed true, as spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ, thou art the God who hides things from the wise and understanding and has revealed the same things unto babes; for, lo, it has seemed good in thy sight. We stand in awe and wonder of thy judgment. And who are we, that we should have our eyes opened, our understanding opened, given the ability to discern and see and to understand thy truth? Who are we, that thou hast given to us the honor of forsaking and leaving, the honor of suffering, the honor of being cast out for the cause of thy truth? Indeed, it is a privilege.
And we give thee thanks that thou hast given to us this undertaking that is true reformation in a company, in a society, that we may know the blessed bonds of fellowship in the truth even as standing for the truth. And so we pray, prosper this cause that is ours to care for this evening, Reformed Believers Publishing. Bless it in its endeavor to hold aloft the banner of thy truth that thou hast given to those who fear thee, the truth of salvation by sovereign grace alone, without works in any wise or in any respect. We pray, so preserve, maintain, bless, and prosper this endeavor, that there may be held up even by our hands, as guided by thee, a testimony to the truth that sets us free.
We thank thee not only for the proceedings of this evening; we thank thee not only for the speakers; but also we thank thee for the use of this meeting to strengthen us and encourage us in this cause. We thank thee also for our fellowship in these bonds of the truth. We pray that thou wilt continue to prosper us and bless us in them, all by thy grace and mercy alone.
And we come to thee acknowledging how unworthy we are of this multitude of thy blessings and benefits upon us. We know that we constantly forfeit them in our thoughts and words and deeds by the depravity of our nature. And so we pray, remember us always in thy great mercy. Forgive us of our sins; impute to us the righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ; and may we know and be assured of our free and full justification by thy grace and mercy alone through Jesus Christ our Lord, given to us poor, ungodly sinners. And so all this we pray in Jesus’ name alone. Amen.