Chairman’s Closing Remarks

Volume 4 | Issue 8

In conclusion, I want to thank Wonderland Tire and its crew for getting the facility set up for us so nicely, and also thanks to Teresa and Linda Kamps for the special touches and the refreshments that they have set out for us. I also want to thank Dave Moore for coming up from Indiana and for his expertise in the operation of the sound equipment.

And I want to invite everyone, after we sing a psalter number and close with prayer, to stay for fellowship and refreshments.

After we sing Reverend Langerak will close for us in prayer.

We will sing all four stanzas of psalter number 407, “The Promise of Victory.”

1. O praise ye the Lord

And sing a new song,

Amid all His saints

His praises prolong;

The praise of their Maker

His people shall sing,

And children of Zion

Rejoice in their King.

2. With timbrel and harp

And joyful acclaim,

With gladness and mirth,

Sing praise to His Name;

For God in His people

His pleasure doth seek,

With robes of salvation

He clotheth the meek.

3. In glory exult,

Ye saints of the Lord;

With songs in the night

High praises accord;

Go forth in His service

And strong in His might

To conquer all evil

And stand for the right.

4. For this is His word;

His saints shall not fail,

But over the earth

Their power shall prevail;

All kingdoms and nations

Shall yield to their sway.

To God give the glory

And praise Him for aye.1

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1 No. 407:1–4, in The Psalter with Doctrinal Standards, Liturgy, Church Order, and added Chorale Section, reprinted and revised edition of the 1912 United Presbyterian Psalter (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1927; rev. ed. 1995).

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by Rev. Nathan J. Langerak
Volume 4 | Issue 8