The board expresses its thanks to God for all of the marvelous ways in which he has preserved and prospered Reformed Believers Publishing during this past year. We have seen and experienced God’s faithfulness to us. We confess that this is all the Lord’s doing and none of our own; we are privileged to be used by God in this work. God has used Sword and Shield to bring about reformation in the instituted church, to encourage believers, and to witness to the truth over against the lie.
Some highlights of our work this year include the publication of one regular issue of Sword and Shield magazine every month. To be clear, every issue of Sword and Shield declares the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ alone; this is exceptional. By regular I mean to say that the magazine has gone out every month as planned, according to the design of the editors and board. There have been several additional special issues, including two letters editions, an issue giving all of its pages to a discussion of Malachi 3:7, and, most recently, an issue addressing theological errors afoot in Reformed circles. Thanks to all of those who have written letters for publication in Sword and Shield. It is our pleasure to publish and to respond to them. We have found the letters editions to be very popular among our readership.
God has generously provided for all of our needs this past year. We are thankful for your continued giving. Your financial support of this organization has been so generous that we have deemed it unnecessary to collect subscription fees. The board desires to see Sword and Shield continue to be supported through donations alone. We ask that you remember Reformed Believers Publishing in your giving and consider whether our cause is a righteous cause before God.
Throughout this past year the board has continued to work together to carry out the purpose of Reformed Believers Publishing. Many things in our lives have changed. Many of us have new churches, new schools, and new friendships. Most of us have suffered loss of the same on account of our witness. Despite these significant changes, Reformed Believers Publishing has not only been preserved, but also the organization has prospered. This is one of the benefits of being a believers’ organization: the organization has a common purpose that supersedes and transcends nationalities, denominations, personal agendas, and the politics of men. That purpose is to give witness to the truth of God’s word in the Reformed church world. God has given us believers unity in the truth; this is the foundation upon which we labor. Since this is a believers’ organization publishing a believers’ paper, the board encourages you all, both men and women, to consider writing a letter or an article for publication in Sword and Shield.
The board has been working on some new projects. Of particular interest is the work that we have done in developing a blog. Rev. Nathan Langerak has agreed to be the editor-in-chief of the blog, and Hannah Kamps has accepted the volunteer position of administrator and moderator. The first series of blog posts will focus on the origins and early history of Reformed Believers Publishing. We are not sure how soon we will be able to go live with the blog or how frequent the posts will be, but stay tuned to our website and Sword and Shield for updates.
We are excited that there are a good number of new members again this year. We thank God for those who have signed up to take a part in this labor. We thank God for the willing spirit of the men who have allowed their names to stand for nomination and for the men who will continue to serve on the board in the year to come. It is remarkable that none of the board’s nominations were rejected. We are sincerely thankful for the volunteers who do so much to get Sword and Shield into print and into your hands every month. Thanks to Evelyn Langerak and Stephanie Lanning for your careful editing. Without your work Sword and Shield would be only a shadow of its beautiful form. Thanks to Tami Cleveland for your continued help on the administrative side of things. This collection of efforts and willingness to serve spring out of our unity in the truth, which unity is God’s gift to us.
Speaking of thanks, the board expresses a hearty thanks to our editors: Rev. Andy Lanning, Rev. Nathan Langerak, and Rev. Martin VanderWal. Through your pens, our magazine sets forth the gospel of Jesus Christ issue after issue. We are thankful for your continued faithfulness to our purpose. Reformed Believers Publishing is privileged to provide a platform that is free from ecclesiastical overlording. We are keenly aware of the sacrifices you have made in order to continue your association with us and with Sword and Shield. Brothers, we encourage you in this your work, and we exhort you to be faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our cause is the cause of Christ. Please pray for this righteous cause. We board members labor in the strength of our Savior. Pray for us as we carry out this work.
Please continue to remember Reformed Believers Publishing with your financial gifts.
We give thanks to God for Reformed Believers Publishing and for Sword and Shield.
Especially remember to give thanks, not for the magazine as such, but for the content of the magazine: the glorious truth that God sovereignly establishes, maintains, and perfects his covenant and causes us to experience covenant life with him.
All glory be to God alone!
Thank you.