Annual Secretary’s Report

Volume 1 | Issue 9

Less than seven months ago, the doctrinal, polemical, and free paper that has boldly and faithfully addressed the theological controversy in our Protestant Reformed Churches was only a dream for thirty-two men. Much has happened since our April 1 meeting with its unanimous decision to start a Reformed publishing association. What follows is a brief summary of our recent beginning and of the board’s current activities.

At that April 1 meeting, exploratory committees were appointed, approved, and assigned tasks. At a meeting on April 24, these temporary committees reported back regarding the various legal, financial, and practical requirements of organizing and publishing a magazine. A constitution was adopted, three editors were recommended and approved, and nine men were elected to serve as the board of this Reformed publishing organization.

A name for our organization could not be selected at the April 24 meeting. Several names had been recom-
mended by the committee whose task it was to do so, but legitimate concerns were voiced, and alternate suggestions were offered. The final approval of our name was by majority vote through email. The same is true of our constitution; approval of the final version, after amendments and corrections, took place by email in the days following the meeting. Recall also that these were the days when our governor had all but completely shut down the state of Michigan. For me, the shutdown was timed impeccably. Because of my reduced hours, I was able to work extensively with a lawyer through email in order to register Reformed Believers Publishing (RBP) as a non-profit with the state of Michigan and with the IRS. Both of these, though requiring many hours of work, were accomplished without difficulty or delay.

Many of our meetings were held digitally, using Zoom. The April 24 meeting, as well as the board’s organizational meeting, were held entirely over Zoom. All of our steering committee meetings and many of our board meetings, along with this association meeting, have been hybrid meetings. We are using technology to meet with members who could not otherwise participate in our meetings. Several of our association members are a thousand miles or more away from us. We are livestreaming this meeting for their benefit and for the benefit of all interested persons who cannot attend in person. We welcome and greet those who are joining us in spirit and online. RBP is not only a nationwide gathering of Reformed believers; it is a worldwide gathering of Reformed believers.

That which draws us together as an association, uniting us as one organism, is the love of the truth. This love is not something that any of us mustered from within ourselves. It is not a carnal love of the world or the things of the world. Rather, this love of the truth is received from God, even as the truth itself is received from God. Sword and Shield has sprung out of this organic life of believers.

The June 1 issue of Sword and Shield was landing in mailboxes less than two months after our April 1 decision to organize and publish a magazine. The publication of Sword and Shield is God’s work; all thanks and glory be to him alone! God is gracious, and he is gracious to us for Christ’s sake alone.

We give thanks to God for the labors of the many individuals united for this cause of Christ. Rev. Lanning is our very capable and faithful editor-in-chief, whose editorials have us anxiously waiting for the next by the time we finish reading each one. Our associate editors, Rev. Nathan Langerak and Rev. Martin VanderWal, contribute breadth and depth to Sword and Shield. Together, these three editors provide a polemical defense of God’s grace and sovereignty in salvation. Brothers, God has richly blessed us through your writing; keep up the good work. Great editorship and writing are made especially evident through our excellent copy editors. Evelyn Langerak and Stephanie Lanning have volunteered many hours of labor to prepare every issue of Sword and Shield for printing. There is also the ever-pressing need to get Sword and Shield into the hands of readers. Tami Cleveland has volunteered many hours of assistance to the board in setting up and maintaining our mailing list. To all of you, the board and association thank you. Be of good courage, for the cause is Christ’s.

We are excited at the number of subscriptions we have received thus far. Even more exciting is the reality that donations have poured in at such a rate that we had deferred the start of these subscriptions through the October 2020 issue. Now again, because the content of Sword and Shield is so important and generous donations have made it possible, we are deferring these subscriptions through the June 1, 2021, issue! This means that our entire mailing list is receiving Sword and Shield free of charge through June 1. God has abundantly provided for all of our needs.

The office of RBP is now sufficiently furnished, while RBP board and committee meetings are held in the adjacent conference room. The location and facility have been very convenient, far exceeding our needs. The meetings and work of the board are very enjoyable. True and meaningful unity can only be had in a common confession of the truth; this also is God’s gift to the board of RBP. 

Please continue to pray for our editors, the many volunteers, and your board. Most of all, pray for the cause of Christ to be promoted in all our activities and for God alone to be glorified.

—Nathan Price

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by Rev. Nathan J. Langerak
Volume 1 | Issue 9