
Act of Federation

Volume 2 | Issue 3

1. Whereas the Councils of First Reformed Protestant Church and Second Reformed Protestant Church have separated themselves from the departing Protestant Reformed Churches for the reasons stated in their respective Acts of Separation;

2. Whereas we believe in the autonomy of the local congregation;

3. Whereas the Scriptures call us to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit, of which a denomination is an expression (Ephesians 4:1-6), and our mutually held Reformed polity teaches to us the necessity and goodness of denominational federation;

4. Whereas we are united in a common cause of the promotion of the pure Reformed truth delivered to us by God through our forefathers concerning the unconditionality of God’s covenant, the perfect sufficiency of Christ’s atoning death for the salvation of his elect, and the absolute sovereignty of God in the salvation of his elect people, and of the rejection of the lies that have corrupted that truth in the Protestant Reformed Churches;

5. Whereas we are united in our desire to live according to the Reformed polity uncorrupted by hierarchy and human wisdom, God helping us;

Therefore, it is resolved by the combined Councils of First Reformed Protestant Church and Second Reformed Protestant Church assembled May 28, 2021 in Hudsonville, MI:

1. That we adopt as our common basis the Scripture as the infallible, authoritative Word of God as summarized in the Three Forms of Unity, that in polity we hold to the Church Order of Dordrecht, and that we accept the liturgical forms, namely, Form for the Administration of Baptism, Form for the Administration of the Lord’s Supper, Form for Excommunication, Form for Readmitting Excommunicated Persons, Form for Ordination of Ministers of God’s Word, Form for Ordination of Elders and Deacons, Form for the Installation of Professors of Theology, Form for the Ordination of Missionaries, Form for the Confirmation of Marriage Before the Church, and the Formula of Subscription.

2. That we form a classis of churches and thus a denomination according to the accepted Reformed polity of the Church Order of Dordrecht.

3. That this denomination be called Reformed Protestant Churches.

4. That hereafter churches that join or are organized by us be received in the manner expressed in the Church Order.

5. That this denomination be incorporated at present in the home states of the two churches and thereafter in the home states or provinces of any churches that join us or are organized by us.

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by Rev. Nathan J. Langerak
Volume 2 | Issue 3